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The Viscount Dillon, C.H., F.S.A.
Vice-Presidents .
Major-Gen. Sir V. A. Couper, K.C.B.
Major-Gen. Sir Webb Gillman, K.C..\1.(
Major-Gen. Sir W. H. Anderson, K.C.B.
The Kon. J. W. Fortescue, C.V.O.
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Lieut.-Col. J. H. Leslie (Hon. Editor).
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Major C. S. Owen.
Major H. G. Parkyn, O.B.E.
A. S. White, Esq. (Hon. Sec).
Society of Army Historical Research
Vol. I. DECEMBER, 1922. Special No.
• !•%«;•• *
TANGIER— 1680. f* ,, : :::•:*;::;
The Diary of Sir James iHalkett.
With an Introduction and Notes by Captain H. M. McCance.
This manuscript diary belongs to the Library of the Society of
Writers to H.M. Signet, in Edinburgh, by whom permission to repro-
duce has been kindly given.
It is the Diary kept by Sir James Halkett, Major in Dumbarton's
Regiment, now "The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment)," in the
year 1680, at Tangier, and must be one of the earliest specimens of a
War Diary.
The size of the volume is 8f" by 6J". It has a title page, the
verso of which is blank ; there are 40 pages of manuscript, and a blank
leaf at the end.
The narrative ends abruptly and seems never to have been com-
pleted by Sir James, probably owing to his death in October, 1684,
shortly after his return to England.
It seems not to have been known to Miss Routh, as it is not
included in the very complete list of books, pamphlets, etc., on Tangier,
given in her book Tangier, 166 1 — 1684.
Tangier had been in possession of the English since 1661, and
Halkett had served there when the Earl of Teviot was Governor,
1663-4. I" 1680, in response to urgent appeals from the Governor for
re-inforcements, 4 companies of Dumbarton's Regiment were
dispatched from Ireland in H.M. ships "James," "Swan," and
"Garland," arriving at Tangier on 4 April, in time for the severe
engagements with the Moors in April and May. These were followed
by 12 more Companies in H.M. ships "Ruby," "Phoenix," "Gar-
land," and " Guernsey," which arrived on 30 July, under the
2 TANGIER — l6So.
command of "the valorous Hackett, Major to that renowned regiment
of the Earle of Dunbarton " (Ross), who further describes the men of
Dumbarton's as " of approved valour, whose fame echoed the sound
of the glorious actions and achievements in France and other nations,
leaving behind them a report of their glorious victories wherever they
came both at home and abroad ; every place witnessing and giving
large testimony to their renown." The logs of the " Ruby " and
"Phoenix" are now in the Public Record Office, London, and give
interesting details of the Companies and their experiences during the
Four independent Companies, from Ireland, were added to
• Dumbar-tpp'^-idj and the whole were temporarily formed into a regiment
■in tv/o battalions, under Halkett, and ordered to take precedence as
JDitra;bartpn;s^." that is to say, next after the Guards."
" ' Thesfe' "Companies of Dumbarton's took part in all the subsequent
fighting, remaining in garrison at Tangier till 1684, when the place
was abandoned.
Halkett, and other Officers in the regiment are mentioned in
" A proper new Ballad, entitled * The Granadeers Rant,' " published
in 1681, one verse of which is here given : —
There's Hacket, Hume and Hodge,
Hey boyes, ho boyes ;
There's Hacket, Hume and Hodge, ho !
There's Hacket, Hume and Hodge,
In Charles's Fort shall lodge,
Hey the brave Granadeer§, ho !
A series of pictures by Stoop at Patshull, in possession of Lord
Dartmouth, depict several episodes of the period at Tangier. In one,
the interesting figures of four pipers, evidently of Dumbarton's, are
to be seen playing on the Mole during its destruction, prior to the
embarkation for home.
Dumbarton's embarked in H.M. ships " Henrietta," " Oxford,"
" Foresight," "Dragon," and " Grafton." Again interesting details
of the voyage can be gleaned from the logs. The Captain of the
" Henrietta " notes how, on meeting a French man-of-war. he " fired
two shot to make her strike sails."
Halkett's Diarv is of great regimental interest to The lioyal Scots,
being a detailed account by one of its earliest Commanding Officers,
of the Regiment's first active service abroad, since its final return to
England from France in 1678. In the words of the Regimental Records
" Dumbarton's came to Tangier with a great reputation, and when
they left it, that reputation was greatly enhanced."
TANGIER — 1680. 3
Halkctl had served twelve years (i66H-«o) in Dumbarton's. In
1679 he was with his Company at Bandon. In 1684 he was at
Rochester and on 1 May was promoted to be Lieut.-Colonel and com-
manded Dumbarton's at the Review on Putney Heath on i October
(Nathan Brooks), in which month he died, being succeeded in command
by Sir Archibald Douglas.
C. Dalton {The Scots Army. 1O61 — 168H. 1909.) states that
Halkett was one of the Halketts of F'ittirrane, but the Court of the
Lord I. von is unable to confirm this, or to trace Sir James in any way.
Nor is it clear when or by whom he was knighted.
The Diary.
" A Short and true account of the most remarkable things that passed
'* during the late wars with the Moors at Tangier in the year 1680,
"and Treaty of Peace betwixt the Alcad Domar & Lt. Collonel
" Sackville. By Sr. James Halket comander of 16 Companies and
" Major of the E. of Dunbarton's Regiment there."
" Copied from a MSS. written with his own hand."
" There has been so many different relations of the transactions
at Tangier from the time of looseing of Charles Fort till the time that
the King of Moroco sent his embassadour to England, what be lyes
and partialities and mistakes that it is hard for the King to find out
the truth, I designe here to give a short and true account of the most
remarkable things that passed during the late wars with the Moors in
the year 1680 and treatie of peace betwixt the Alcad Domar and
Lieutenant Collonel Sackville.^ I having had the honour to command
16 Companies of the Earle of Dumbarton's Regiment during that war
ther*-^ in the station of Major; and, having served there under an able
Master the Earl of Tiviot^ at the time of his war there, who was a man
of an extraordinary genie beside his long service and experience in
the wars who shewed his admirable conduct in the taking in and
fortifying of that ground about Tangier with redouts and Lines in so
1 Captain in the Guards. Was appointed on 31 May, 1680, to be Lieut.-Colonel of a
Regiment of Foot, called " The King'.s Battalion," composed of 2 Companies from the 1st
Regiment of Guards and 1 Company each from the Coldstream Guards, the Duke of York's
Regiment (the " Maritime " Regiment, disbanded in 1689), and the Earl of Musgrave's
Regiment (now The Buffs), then formed for service at Tangier. On the death of Sir P.
Fuirborne, Sackville became Governor, and C.-in-C. at Tangier. He was promoted to the
rank of Colonel in 1685; and to that of Major-General in 1688. He retired from the
service in 1688.
2 Andrew Rutherford. Created Lord Rutherford 1661 and appointed Governor of Dun-
kirk, 1662. Created Earl of Teviot and appointed Governor of Tangier, 1663. Killed in
f.ction at Tangier, May, 1664. Had been a Lieut. -General in the French service, and
commanded Rutherford's Regiment, 1643, which was incorporated in Dumbarton's in 1660.
Sec • The Scot* Peerage," VH. p. 374, and ' D.N.B.'
4 TANGIER — 1680.
short a time with so small a garrison as he had under his command
in spite of all the force that Galland^ could bring against him to oppose
his proceedings which was greater than any that has been before
Tangier since his time. 1 having besides since that time served in
France in Dumbarton's Regiment the space of 12 years in Countreys
where the war was most active, in the station of Captain and Major
where certainly the ( )^ of the war is at the greatest perfection
which makes me presume to think that I am as capable to
make observations and to give a good account of the pro-
ceedings in the late war in Tangier which may be readable,
in some manner to the King in his concerns there and that
he may know who served his Majesty there. So soon
as I got my orders at Dubline to cause our 12 companies that was
ordered with me for Tangier to move from their several garrisons to
Cork where we was all to assemble and immediately after being
ordered with all the diligence imaginable upon my peril to ship the
said companies a board the King's frigate that was iying ready waiting
for us in the harbour of Kinsail to receive us, which was taske hard
enoughe for one officer to make soldiers march the King's service in
Tangier, requireing such haste in order to so great a weight that we
could not expect to have the time gett what arrears was due to us,
there being a 12 months arrears due to out soldiers; upon my receiving
my orders at Dubline I did solicite my Lord D. of Or-' to have power
to take what men that was good of those 5 companies of ours that did
remaine in Ireland — which his Gr. gave me his order for the doing it
for the making up compleat the 12 ordered for Tangier and his grace
was sensible that I had sufficiently managed my business with care and
dilligence in every thing that was requisite for one officer to doe to
hinder desertion of our soldiers till our shipping; on the dav after all
our companies that was ordered was assembled at Cork I got the news
from Mr. St. Elies of that cessation of arms for six months that was
agreed on immediately after the lossing of Charles fort and the rest
of the redouts about the time which not only gave us time to receive
our arrears that was due to us but likeways t, moneths pay of advance
for all the 20 companies that was commanded from Ireland to Tangier
which I carried over with me which was a very great encouragement
to us besides the news that came immediately after that the King had
made choice of my Lo. Osserie* to go command in that expedition
which was extreamly agreeable to us to serve under his command. I
shipt our 12 companies the day and sailed the next day and I landed
1 Ab'd Allah Ghailan, i.e., Gayland, Guyland, etc. (Roiith).
2 Blank in the original. ? science.
3 Duke of Ormonde, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland.
4 Thomas Butler, Earl of Ossory, elde.st son of James, 1st Duke of Ormonde. Appointed
Governor of Tangier, but died in London in Julv, 1680, before taking up the appointment.
See 'D.N.B.'
TANGIER — 1680. 5
at Tangier August, I was the first that brought the news of my Lo.
Osserie's coining to be a general which was very agreeable to everyone.
Upon the orders Sir Pames^ had from Court to cause Mr. Bekman'^
the ingenier make a designe and draught of a fortification that he
judged most necessare and convenient for the situation of Tangier
and the fortification of those sand hills east from the Town towards
old Tangier where the Moores can conveniently make their batteries
to annoy the ships in the Harbour, after the Ingenier had finished
his designe of Fortification to be sent to the King and had computed
as near as could the charge and expenies that the work would cost
which was great and vast, Sr. Fames assembled August the field
officers, Ad. Herbert* Mr. Shers* in council to give their opinions
whether they approved of that designe to be sent to the King or
thought it absolutely necessare where everie one did agree for the
designe of the Harbour, that it was and certainly it were so if you
look upon the Moores to be formidable as to be able to maintaine ane
Army before Tangier with canon and Amunition, which I believe they
are not able to doe for many good reasons, we continued with the
expectation of the arrival of my Lo. of Osserie with a considerable
body of horse and foot till we got the news of his sickness and soon
after his death ; during the rest of the time of the Cessation of Arms,
Sr. Fames was much imployed in causing make conveniences for the
troops he expected from England and the troops in exercising but I
believe the great expence and charge of that designe of fortification
with the misfortunate death of my Lo. Osserie made the King resolve
to endeavour to have peace upon reasonable terms without fortifying,
upon with instructions from Court Sir Fames sent out the Moorish
merchant to the Alcad Domar to offer to enter into terms with him
for a settled peace the Alcad answered that he remembered that in
Gailand's time when Tiviot was governour in his absence in England
the Lieut, governour judgeing that the time of the cessation would
expire before the governour returned, did agree with Gailand to prolong
the cessation for six months longer, the governour arriveing soon
after and finding this done was extreamely displeased with the Lieut,
governour being he had no instructions for it and he haveing orders
from the King to go immediately about the secureing of as much
ground as he judged necessarie for the use of the Garrison would not
stand to that agreement of the Lieut, go. with Gailand, did immediately
begin his working, so he knew that Sir Fames was but Lieutenant
1 Sir Palmes Fairbome, who had served at Tangier for 18 years. See ' D.N.B.'
2 Martin Beckman. See ' D.N.B.'
3 Captain (local Vice-Admiral) Arthur Herbert, R.N. Appointed to command the
Station, July, 1680. Created Earl of Torrington, 1689. See ' D.N.B.'
4 Henry Sheeres. Engineer in chief at Tangier (1669-83) ; built many of the Forts and
the Mo'e. Spr 'D.NB.' and Prnreediiif/s of thr HA. Institution. Vol. xix. p. 429. Sone
MSS. notes entitled " Journal of Proceedings," dated September-October, 1680, by Sheeres.
exist in the Public Record Office, CO. 279/26.
6 TANGIER — 1680.
governour and that he was informed that there was a governour
coming over, so he would not treat with him fearing to be served in
the same manner, the lime of the cessation of arms being short. Sir
Fames assembled a council of war August of the field officers and all
the Captains to have their opinion whether they thought it convenient
or fitting to undertake anything without the Town immediately after
the expireing of the cessation or to wait for the horse from England
or the horse that was promised from Spain after that several had
reasoned upon the business and gave their t)pinions pro and con.,
Lieut.-Collonel vSakvil's opinion was that it would be a foolish and
dangerous thing to undertake anything without the Town without
horse against ane enemy that he believes was mighty and powerful
without especially expecting horse and foot from England and knowing
the many misfortunes that had alreadie befallen that garrison with
rash undertakings.
My opinion was that it was fitting to undertake some thing with
out the Town so soon as peace expired without waiting more force
considering what a powerful garrison was already in Tangier
consisting of about 3,oco foot and a troop of 30 horse so well com-
posed of so many good officers and soldiers which the like was never
in Tangier and certainly it could not but plainly and clearly appear
to any man of sense that had seen anything of war that there could
have been done several things with out Town, as the making of some
places of arms before Katrina gate and so gone on gradually which
certainly could have been done without exposeing the foot to any
danger or the fearing considerable loss for the Moores could not
nor durst not undertake the hindering us let their number have been
what it will so near the Town for there was no need of horse in the
beginning and it was very uncertain when those troops that was
expected from England should come or whether they would come at
all, the resolutions did so change in England concerning Tangier, now
if there had corned none and if he had waited for them it would have
made those that knew not the Moores believe them to be so mighty
a people that nothing could be undertaken against them without a
considerable army : in the contrair if we went out and made those
places of arms which certainly can be done without risk it would be
a great encouragement to what troops came afterwards. After all the
reasonings it was put to the vote whether we should go out, it was
carryed be the major votes that we should go out, notwithstanding
Sir Fames resolved to undertake nothing without, till he got more
horse, the next day Ad. Her. sailed with the fleet that was before
Tangier to Gibraltar to bring over those Spanish horse that was
promised, when he came there w^as no news, of those vSpaiiish horse :
the Ad. returned immediately to Tangier again, but those ships with
the 3 troops of English horse appeared from England which came in
good time and was landed as soon as possible could, their horse in a
pretty good condition after so long a voyage; the time of peace being
TANGIER — 1680. 7
within a few days of expireing Sir Panics, finding that it was not
dear what day the peace ended, being iheir reckoning and ours
differed, sent out to know of the Ak'ad the day ; the Alcad answered
he would let him know when it did, within two days the Alcad sent
Harnett^ the Moore that had served in England in the Duke's troop
and told that the time of the peace was out and that the nixt day he
would to wars.
Ad. Her. landed about 500 of the seamen, he having orders to
attend with the fleet during the war, composed of so many Companies
with a company of Granadiers, with the compleat number of officers
to each company, of the sea-officer, and volunteers he made choice of
Captain George Barthell who formerly had been a Captain in my
Lord Dumbarton's Regiment, to command that battalion of seamen
in quality of Major under him ; the 3 troops of English horse newly
landed had several days after the expireing of the peace to refresh their
horses and in exerciseing in order for the design of action without,
after Sir Fames had disposed every thing in the best order for the
designe of working without, in causing what pallisads and instruments
for working the Ingenier judged necessar for that design of work
without to the Spur without Katrina gate the night before we went
out Sir Fames sent for me to the Castle where I found him in his
closet after talking of the design of the work he intended next day to
begin without, and of the number of troops he intended to sustain
that work wMth, he desired me to tell him what way 1 judged to the
best advantage to dispose the troops in Battle for the sustaining the
workmen : after I gave him my opinion to the best of my under-
standing, he told he thought my way was well, but not altogether in
form, for he designed the troops all in one line, with the 4 troops of
horse upon the wings, for he said there was some critick that censured
him in all things, meaning Sakvill and Talmach^ they believing to
understand more of form than he. I told him everyone that com-
manded did dispose their troops in battle to the best advantage
according to the situation of the field of battle they were on, and to
the designe they had in hand. After he had taken my advice in '
several things I left him and went about the disposing things for the
next days work.
Tt being the 18th of vSeptember we marched out with the whole
force of the garrison, leaving only the ordinar guards within, the 4
troops of horse first then the detachment of 300 men designed to be our
1 Hamet, a renegade Moor, who had been sent to Europe and educated, but who, on his
return, deserted and placed his knowledge and skill at the service of the Alcade. (liouth.
p. 168.)
2 Captain Thomas Tollemache, who commanded the Coldstream Company in the " King's
Battalion," under Sackviilo. Subsequently a Lieut.-General, and Colonel of the 5th Foot,
See 'P.N.B.'
8 TANGIER — 1680.
advanced men commanded by Lieut. Collonell Talmash, that honour
was put upon him I believe upon the account of his quality and being
a man of Interest at Court in prejudice of Captain Bovves^ that was the
older Captain, and his tour the troops was imbattelled as it was
designed all in one line : our Right hand being co\ered he the old line
of communication betwixt the Town and Polfort,^ and our left be
(Nord^ Redout) which was still in being then, the discoveries* being
made as far out as was judged necessare, and [ ]^ in the most
fitting places, some little fireing being made at our discoveries be
some few scattring Moores, not yet any body of men appearing nor
any guard upon that hand : then Lieut. Collonel Talmash with his
300 men was commanded to post himself about the mines of PoUfort,
then an ingeneer went about the viewing of the ground about Polfort
after he resolved upon the design of the work, it was resolved to cause
word^ a Battalion at time so many hours : the Battalion of seamen
being posted on the east of the Town, the rest standing to their arms
and it being necessare to advance fire men'' upon all hands of Polfort
to keep the enemy off and in skirmish in favour of our workmen; the
detachments being made was posted at three several places some
shelter being made in haste for the men, the Moores about this time
appeared with several colloures from the bottom near Mes River®
where they camped, I judge about the number of 6 or 700 men all
foot very few horse [ J^ that they came very scatteredly fearing
our Cannon and posted themselves at the ruines of James Fort and at
Anne Fort and upon the auld lane betwixt the two forts : the advanced
men that keeped our advanced posts in skirmish all the day over,
where we had some few men killed and wounded. I am very confident
at this time the Moores could not make a 1,000 men before the
Town : we continued all that day till 7 a clock at night in working
about Polfort and in relieving our workmen and the advanced posts
from time to time till that pallisad about the ruins — of the fort was done,
and a breastwork within the pallisad, and the place put as the best
posture of defence : for the night following Lieut. Coll. Sak. with the
Battalion of guards took possession of the place to make guard that
night there being a detachment of 300 men of reserve left in the place
of arms before Katrina gate; we then retired tnir advanced and work
men and marched into Town, we having that day's work much easier
than we imagined.
1 George B. of the Ist Regiment of Foot Guards, now commanding a Company in the
" Kini?'s Battalion," at Tangier.
2 Pole Fort.
3 " Nord Redoubt " has been insoited in the original MSS. It should be Norwood, so
called after Colonel Henry Norv.ood, who had served at Tangier earlier.
* Reconnaissances. 5 Blank in original. 6 ? work.
7 Musketeers, as distinct from pike-men.
8 Mes River has been inserted in the o/iginal : it i* meant for Jews River.
TANf.lKK l6So. 9
The next day we marclied out the same number of men and keeped
the same method we did the day before, things passed much about the
same manner it did the day before; 1 relieved Lieut. Coll. Sakvile
with our first battalion and 200 men of our second, then the troops
retired to Town, the 3rd day we marched out as we did before after
the [ ]^ and our advanced men posted, Capt. Hoges^ our Capt.
our company of Granadeers, desired Sir Fames liberty to ga to our
advanced post upon the line betwixt Monmouth and James Fort with
his companv of granadeers to skirmish, Sir Fames after his earnest
intreatie condescended to it, having recommended it to him not to
engage himself further than the advanced post. Hoges told me of
thing, marched with his company his drums beatting,^ the Moores
seeing this expected something extraordihar, put them all to their
arms about the Town and drew them all to that hand; Hogs having
advanced about a 100 yards before our advanced post to a little trench
that the enemy possest, and having beat them out that was there, and
taken possession of the trench, the Moores upon all hands drew
together about James Fort, advanced with about five or six hundred
men where they entered into skirmish with Hogs, he finding it too
bote for him, being no equality of number, was forced to retire some-
what precipitantly to our advanced post again, with the loss of three
men and of his companv and several wounded; I being with Sir Fames
at that time about some other concerns and hearing the skirmish was
bote at that post, I galloped to the post, our company of granadeers
being retireing at that same time and the Moores follow ing after, which
astonished our men posted there a little, so that they were reeling, I
having sent to cause advance Capt. Lauriston with his troop of horse
that was near, a purpose to sustain our advanced men, which gave
again assurance to our foot, so that they continued the skirmish hotely
for some time, where we had several men killed and wounded, the
Moores being more exposed to our fire than we to their thought it
convenient to retire, but advanced with collours all round nearer an
advanced post, which made the skirmishing hoter than formerly all
the rest of the day at those posts ; when the time drew near that we
usually retired to Town, I told Sir Fames that I believed that they
designed to undertake something against us upon our retiring our
advanced post, they having continued strong about James Fort since
the skirmish in the morning, he told me he had the same thoughts,
^ Blank in original.
2 Robert Hodges. Captain-Lieutenant in Sir John Talbot's Dragoons, 5 October, 1678
(" Dalton "). Captain in Dumbarton's in April, 1679. (" Or.iionde " papers). Served at
Tangier, as Caj)tain of the Grenadier Company. Eventually Lieut. Colonel, and then
Colonel of Colonel Archibald Douglas's Regiment (16th) of Foot, at the head of which he
was killed at Steenkirk, 1692. Ross, in his Taiujcrs Jtescue, gives a personal description
of Cuptain Hodges' valour and activity.
3 No doubt the well-known tune of " Dumbarton's Drums," played to this day by The
Royal Scots; also known as " The Scots March," and well-known on the battlefields of
Europe during the 30 Years' War. Heard by Pepys at Rochester in 1667 and noted by him
as still being played in 1680. (Records of " The Boyal Scots.")
lO TANGIER — 1680.
I said that there was at the advanced post and on the line betwixt the
post and Monmouth fort above 300 men, what of ours and other
detachments, that was made to sustain our advanced post, and that
our Captain that commanded our advance was a young man that never
before had seen action, Captain Forbes,^ and prayed him to give me
leave to undertake the management of the retreat, he was pleased I
made the offer, and ordered me to go about the doing it and to take
what men of ours I judged necessare for the doing it, there was 200
fire-men of our second battalion, commanded be Captain Londie'^ and
Captain Moncriefe,"^ that had been on the guard with me the night
before at Polfort, that had continued within the pallisads all the day
without skirmishing or working : I made choice of them for the
business and marched them up to a convenient place near Monmouth
Fort, where they could not be seen be the enemy, and ordered them
to continue there in readyness, without showing tiiemselves, till the
rear of our advanced men came their length, and if the Moores
followed, I would be with them in time tt) do with them as 1 judged
convenient : I then went up to our advanced post I caused retire some
rest of aniunition that was there, I then endeavoured to make our men
retire a file or two at a time so that the Moores might not perceive,
but they very well observed our motions, perceived we intended to
retire, they advanced with their collours from the mines of James fort
and from all the places on that hand : I put our best men on our rear
and retired homewards, the Moores was very soon with us on our
rear, I judge the number of 500 men within and without that old line
that runes from James fort to Monmouth fort, then they began to
bestow their fire amongst us and keeped close on our reer till we came
the length of our 2co men commanded be Captains Londie and
Moncrieff, so soon as our rear past them, I run and caused then)
advance and made a fresh discharge on those Moores that was on the
inside of the line, they not expecting to find fresh men so near them,
they passed all of them very precipitantly to the outside of the line,
I made our men to the right hand about, and marched down the hill
till we was quite out of sight of the enemy; upon this all the Moores
believed we was running, came precipitantly after us our men having
1 Francis Forbes, a young Captain in Dumbarton's, who died of wounds received in
action on 24 October, 1680.
2 Robert Lundy, a Captain in Dumbarton's in April, 1679. (" Ormonde " Papers).
Wounded 27.10.1680. Lieut. -Colonel of Colonel Mountjoy's Regiment in Ireland. Colonel
of a Regiment of Foot in Ireland which was never formed. Governor of liondonderry.
Adjutant-General to the Portuguese Army. Taken prisoner in Spain and exchanged.
3 James Moncrieff. Youngest son of Sir John Moncrieff, Bart., whom he succeeded as
4th Bart. Captain in Dumbarton's in April, 1679. (" Ormonde " papers). Wounded 14
May, 1680. Served at Sedgemoor, wounded. Awarded gratuity of £40. Lieut. -Colonel
of Sir Wm. Beveridge's Regiment (16th Foot), 1690. Colonel, as Sir James, of a newly-
raised Regiment in Scotland, afterwards known as Colonel George Hamilton's Regiment,
1693. (Dalton).
TANCIKU— 1680. I 1
be that time charged^ again, I made our men face about again, being
very near one and other, where we continued in skirmish a long half
hour against all that had followed us, we having some advantage of
the ground be some old lines and places that gave us some covert
against their lire, we having them still exposed with full bodie to our
fire, where certainly we killed many of their men, the Moores having
spent their Amunition, they continued for some time in throwing of
great stones amongst us, but they iinding our fire too sharp for them,
they found it convenient to retire, so we ended that days work very
well and retired in Town with the troops.
The night after, and the next day there fell a great deall of rain,
so we did not move out a Town but made some detachments for the
working within that pallisad about the new work, and all the carpenters
being imployed in makeing up of Paul's fort to cover the men within
from that time to the [ ]^ we continued without moveing out o
Town, but with the relief to Polfort every day, and the detachments
for working after the fort was put into some posture of defence, and
having raised a battrie for three pieces of Cannon within, and a work
that was Cannon proofe ther, we began a new line of communication
straight from Katrina gate to the fort, the report having past in the
countrey of our being Master of that place again, and they expecting
that we should a proceeded in undertaking more, brought all the force,
I judge they could well send or maintain, against us, the weather then
growing unconstant, which hindered us to move out as we did the
first 3 dayes, the Moores who made better use of their time and finding
us grow a little slack in our business, they took possession of that
ground about Monmouth fort where they made a fashion of places of
arms and carryed on a trench from that to the old place, made by
Tiviot about a 200 yards before the fort, and round all upon the right
hand of the fort which was a good as a line of countervalation to them.
Sir Fames upon the instructions he had to endeavour to have peace
upon reasonable terms, it was resolved in council of war that the
governour should make an offer to enter into a treatie of peace with
them, and to assure them there was no other governour to come to
Tangier, and that he had full power to make a peace with them, for
as long time as he thought fit, which they accepted, vSir Fames made
choice of Lieut. Coll. Tollmach to go to them with his instructions,
and the articles proposed, so the next day, the flags of truce being
put up on several places, he went out to near old Tangier, where the
Alcad of Titune' appointed him, our chief articles was to have the
whole ground within Charles Fort and all our redouts for the use of
the garrison, and to build within that pallisad at Folfort, which we
had rendered ourselves Masters of with our arms and with the loss of
1 Having charged their musquets again ; i.e., re-loaded.
2 Blank in original. 3 Tetuan.
12 TANdlKR — 1680.
SO much of our blood, with several others. Talmash being with them
till the evening, returned; he judged they might condescend to every-
thing, except to the building within the pallisad : the next morning hv
went out and was with them till noone, they finding our (General
stuck to the building within the pallisad, they fell into a passion and
abused the Jonas,^ the interpreter, sadly, and said so long as there
was a Moore, in Barbary they would not condescend to it; and told
Lieut. Collonell Talmach sharply to return, for they would treat no
more with us, and to cause take down the fiaggs of truce, for they
would immediately enter into war again : upon Talmach return with
their answer, and the flaggs of truce being taken down, we fell
immediately to bote fireing and lasted all, the rest of the day: that
same night they began a trench from the old place of arms, before
the fort, which advanced towards the pallisads on the right hand of
the fort : two days after, they brought a piece of Cannon to the place
of arms before the fort, and made ane embrasor through the parapit,
this coolled the courage of severalls. for Lieut. Coll. Sakvile having
hopes of peace in that treatie, being disappointed, and Talmash and
Major Bomlie being that nighl at supper in a tavern, fell a exclaiming
against the proceedings during the war, with great heat and passion,
and said he had always been against the undertakings of anything
without that it was foolishly and rashly begun, and would certainly
have a worse conclusion with reflecting upon Sir Fames conduct
highly : this came to Sir Fames ears, and questioning him on it, he
told Sir Fames that he had said nothing but what he would justify,
and that if the King would make him governor he would not stay in
Tangier, and it is well known during all the time of his being there
that it was frequently his subject, in all places to exclaim against the
place, that it could never be made steadable to the King in no fashion,
although there is several judicious men, that understands Tangier
well, thinks that the charge and expence the King is at there might
be better imployed in England, yet it was very unreasonable in him,
who had the honour to command a battalion of guards, who should
have given good example at that conjuncture, he and Talmach, their
opinions running always together, became so uneasie to the governour
that he did not know what to doe with them, but he judgeing them
men that was supported w ith great interest at Court, and he in hopes
to hqve the Commission to be governour, suffered patiently of them.
Some few days later Sir Jone Borie^ passing with the Malligo fleet
for England Lieut. Coll. Sakville and Talmash resolved, and disposed
all their affairs, to goe aboard with Sir Jone Borie for England, and
told they would not stay to see the tragicall conclusion of that war.
Sir Fames finding them in earnest, sent and told them, if they con-
tinued longer their resolution, he would make them answer a council
of war which stoped them. I cannot think with what a countenance
1 Jonas, a renegade who had once been " Sexton's boy at Tangier." (Routh. p. 168.)
2 Admiral Sir John Berry. See ' D.N.B,'
TANGIER — 1680. 13
they would a looked at Court. The news come from Triff^ that the
two Spanish troops that was promised was there, waiting for us if we
had need of them, upon which Sir Pames called a Council of war of
the field officers to have their opinions, Admiral Herbert did promote
extreamely for sending for them, Mr. Shears was much against it
with many arguments, but it was carryed that they should be sent
for, and the ships ordered to sail and brought them good men well
mounted and well commanded near the number of 200, the Moores
having at this time advanced their trenches within 30 yards of the
pallisad of the new work, and fearing they would [ ]^, beside
they brought a trench upon the right hand of the fort round and within
noro'd^ redout, with a designe to cut off the communication between
the fort and the Town, it being now time to think upon what might
be done for the defence of the place, the most part thinking it in a
dangerous condition, the council of war was called of the field officers,
being assembled. Sir Pames told it was to deliberat what was most
fitting to be done for the defence of the place, whether or not ane
outfall, Sakvile and Talmash with long harrangues and with strong
arguments, as they believed, was against the outfall, several thinking
it dangerous they believing the Moores armie strong; 1 told I did not
believe the Moores was strong without, for several reasons and
although they were both strong and formidable, my opinion was that
it was very proper and necessare to undertake ane outfall, being their
guards never appeard strong at their posts, and that the order of the
outfall might be so disposed that we needed not risk too much the
troops, in case the enemie come strong against us, and could not
effectuate our designe in filling up their advanced trenches, and this
1 judged very necessare to be done in form for the defence of a place
that had cost us so much blood in gaining, and that nothing might
reflect upon us, then it was put to the vote, it was carried to make an
outfall, but Sir Pames did not resolve on the day nor on the number
of troops. The next morning being Sunday Sir Pames drew out a
detachment of 200 foot to an old work of the [ ]'^ towards Charles
fort to make them cast up a breastwork there, there was a Spanish
Captain and about 60 horsemen that was ordered to sustain the foot,
Sir Pames in moveing about with Major Bekeman in ordering what
should be done, vSir Pames received a shote in the body at a great
distance and fell from his horse : he being brought in, and the news
of his being killed, Lieut. Coll. Sakvile and I went to the Castle and
found him in that condition that we judged he could not live long;
Lieut. Coll. Sakevile falling to command in chiefe, it was fitting to
move about to order what was necessare without, he and I went
1 Tarifa. 2 An illegible word has been inserted here in the original.
3 Norwood. 4 " Tivitt " has been inserted in original, i.e., Teviot.
14 • V TANGIER — 1680.
immediately to Peterburie Tower, to view the Moores and to see what
effects it had, our men drawing out towards Charles fort, Major
Bekeman having put those 200 men to work, this gave great jealousie
to the Moores that we intended to Charles fort again ; this certainly
brought all the force they had to that hand and to those trenches that
cut off the communication betwixt the fort and the Castle; so that
work had that good effects, that it gave us a full sight of all the force
they had, which I judge was betwixt 2 and 3,000 men ; this gave me
the great assurance imaginable that we might done something con-
siderable against them in our outfall, the Moores, seeing our men
continued the working notwithstanding they had brought all their
force to that hand, they advanced most boldly out oi the trenches with
the most of their force exposed to our Cannon and small shote, towards
our workmen this put our men to their arms and the Spanish Captain
with his 60 horsemen seeing them advancing scatteredly and making
constant fire he charged them most bravely home and beat them into
their trenches again, he having lost several of his men and horse, he
finding their fire bote on him retired, some of his men coming off
precipitantly, our 200 men commanded be Captain Colgraffe, that
before was at work having advanced to sustain the Spanish horse,
upon the horse retiring, they most cowardly and basely run and left
their officer, son^e few staying with the Captain and the rest of the
officers that came off safely, this was a siiameful thing to see our foot
misbehave at the rate when the vSpaniard had done so well. The next
day soon in the morning I going to Polfort, I met Mr. Bekeman he
told me that their trench from the old place of arms was advanced
within 20 yards of the pallisad of the fort, and he said if we did not
resolve very soon to make the outfall he would not set his foot again
within the fort, for he judged they would advance again. I told him
I had said all I could for the undertaking the outfall and I prayed him
to speak again to Lieut. Coll. Sakville. Upon Mr. Bekeman's
speaking to him he ordered a council of war to assemble of the field
officers at Admiral's house; being assembled, he said he had been
alwayes against the undertaking without, and especially that outfall
for the reasons he had given, and now, the governour being past
recoverie, he brought us together again to have an opinion about it.
I told him that the outfall was resolved on before Sir Pames was
wounded, and it would be a shameful thing for us to go back with it
now, for the loss of one man : the Admiral and Major Bekeman being
for it, with many good arguments, it was resolved on to be made, on
Wednesday morning nixt, with all the force of the garrison, leaving
only the ordinary guards within : the next morning I went out betimes
to the ground on the left hand of Polfort, where we designed to embattle
the troops; after I had considered how to proceed against the enemy,
with the best of my understanding, I went and found Lieut. Coll.
vSakvile, and I prayed him to goe out to the rampart with me to shew
him the designe I had in my head : after he understood the thing,
TANGIER — 1680. 15
he approved of it, and prayed me to meet him immediately after dinner
to resolve upon everything that was necessare for the order of the
thing, that the orders might be distribute to the Commandants of the
batallions at night after we had resolved on everything necessare for
the designe and all things being disposed to the best advantage, that
we judged for the next mornings work : Being assembled we marched
out the nixt morning be 3 a clock with the 7 troops of horse to the
place of arms before Katrina gate, where the troops of horse was
ordered to halt, while the foot was a fileing out at an avenue at the
foot of the line of communication to the fort, after our six battalions
was near embattelled close on the left hand of the line, two battalions
a front, our 7 troops being then drawn out and embattled on the left
hand of the foot, being sufficiently covered on the right hand be the
line and fort, we being so disposed in battle, as we judged most con-
venient for the designe in hand, and the situation of the ground, with
a detachment of 50 men. Captain and Lieutenant, from each battalion,
in six several platoons advanced for to make the first attack with an
detachment of horse to sustain them [ y Admiral Herbert
ordered all his long boats man'd with his sea-men to advance, as near
to their battrie of 8 piece of Cannon as they could, that was on the
east of the town that play'd on the ships in the harbour, which proved
of very good effect to us, for it made a diversion. Macknie^ troop
with all the moll'd-^ horses with men mounted on them and some of
our worst men with a great many collours and drumms was ordered
towards Charles fort to give them allarum on that hand. Our detach-
ments in plottoons being ordered to fall on to attack the several places
that was designed, Captain Fittrie,^ that commanded the detachment
of guards with the half of the company of granadeers of Dumbarton's
regiment commanded by Lieut Mak^ having bravely advanced near
to the place of arms where they had the piece of Cannon, the enemy
being strong in guard there, made great fire so that they killed several
of the granadeers and f)f Fittrie's detachment so that the men did
shrink and retire towards the fort, the 150 men that sallied out of
Polfort commanded be Captain Londie^ and Hommes''' that was ordered
1 There is a blank space of -two lines in original.
2 Captain Makenny, commanded one of the old troops of Horse at Tangier. Routh, p.
3 i.e., the horses used for work on the Mole.
4 Captain Fawtrey (or Fortrey) ; commanded a Company of the Duke of York's Regiment,
in the King's Battalion.
5 A blank after Mak. in the original. Evidently Lieut. McCracken, of Dumbarton's.
Lieutenant in April, 1679 (Oriiioiide MSS.) Captain of a newly raised Company in Duni-
bi.rton's, 22.9.1688. Served at Tangier, wounded 27.10.1680. Killed at Steenkirk, 1692.
(Jtujimriital lireorils and Fortcxcuc.) A petition of 1703 states that Cai)tain MoCracken
" signalized himself at Steenkirk by his management of cannon." (Valton.)
6 Captain R. Lundy. See note on p. 10.
7 Captain George Hume of Dumbarton's. George Hume, Captain in Dumbarton's in
April, 1679. (Ormonde MSS.) Commanded the Forlorn hope and was wounded, 14 May,
1680. Wounded again, 27 October, 1680. Did not embark with his Company in 1684. Does
not appear in any subsequent lists.
1 6 TANGIER — 1680.
to attack their advanced trench finding likewayes great resistance
there and both the Captain being wounded very soon in the beginning,
and carried off, upon this the detachment retired towards the fort, our
right hand being put in this condition meerly be the fauh of the
battalion of the guards tliat did not move at a fit distance with Fittrie's
detachment to keep their men in countenance, I, who had charges
and manadgement of the attack on the left hand their place of arms,
at Monmouth fort, with our 2 battallions and the battalion of seamen,
I commanded Captain Melville^ with his detachment and the other half
of our company of granadeers to fall on and attack the place of arms,
I moveing at a just distance to him with our battallions beside I prayed
Captain Coy,'' that was upon the left hand of all with his troop, to
advance towards the place of arms at a soft^ gallop, this encouraged
our detachment so that they immediately fell in to the place of arms
with the Moores, and the Moores seing our battalions so near with
Coy's troop of horse they run so we was Masters of it with little loss.
Captain Lakirf^ who commanded the detachment of our first Battalion
seeing Captain Fattries men in disorder and likwayes the 150 men that
sallied out of F^olfort he very opportunely fell in upon their trench on
the left hand of their piece of Cannon in the place of arms, where
they continued disputeing the business hotely till Lieut. Mackrakrin
who had keeped his granadeers together and seeing all things going
well on the left hand at Monmouth fort he advanced again to the
place of arms so near as to bestow his granads amongst them which
he did liberally, and being followed with Captain Fattrie and them
that sallied out of the fort advanced again, then the battallion of
guards began to move. Lieutenant Mackrakrin seing the disorder he
had put amongst them with his granads fell in amongst them and
being followed be Captain Fittrie the Moores run, and left our men
Masters of the place of arms, and the piece of Cannon; the Moores
that was beat from their several posts retired to James Fort having
left many killed and wounded behind them, the Moores be this time
having got all their force from their camp was betwixt James fort and
sand hill fort and in their trenches betwixt sand-hill fort and Monmouth
1 Patrick Melville. Captain in Dumbarton's in April, 1679. {Ormonde MSS.) Served
at Tangier. Captain in 1684. Murdo McKenzie appointed (Captain, vice " late Pat.
Melville," 1.10.1684. Barbara Melville, widow of late Captain Melville, of the Royal Foot,
" died in the Service," awarded a pension of £30, in list of 1694-1700. (Dalton.)
2 Captain John Coy, commanding one of the six troops of Horse, raised by the Earl of
Ossory in 1680, for service in Tangier, which eventually became the 1st Royal Dragoons.
Coy had served in the Duke of Monmouth's Regiment of Horse and was subsequently
Colonel of the 6th Horse (2nd Irish Horse), now the 5th D.Gs., 1688-97. He commanded a
brigade of C^avalry in Flanders, 1695-6. {Dalton, lioutfi. Davis, Cannon.)
3 Slow. See later where he speaks of " retiring softly."
^ Captain Julius Lockhart, of Dumbarton's. Appears as Lucius Lockhart in Ross's " Old
Scottish Co/outs." (Captain in 1679. {Ormonde MSS.) Second in Command of Forlorn
Hope, 20.9.1680. Wounded 27.10.1680. Appears to have left the Regiment in 1681, as
Captain A. Urquhart replaced him.
TANGIER — 1680. 17
fort, they being beat from their several posts where they keeped
guard, I judged time to attack those trenches betwixt Monmouth fort
and Sandhill fort with the first battallion of Dumbarton's regiment,
being sustained with the second, they being numerous there and
sustained with all their force, yet we very soon beatt them out of the
first trench, they retired without the old line betwixt Sandhill fort and
Monmouth, and from that line they did gall us extreamely, we being
near and exposed to their fire wMth whole bodie. I ordered our Drums
to beat the charge so that our battallions might move altogether in
passing, we had great loss in passing that trench especially of our
officers, passing first ; so soon as we was over the trench w ith our
Battallion, the Moores run precipitantly from the outside of the old
line, a Serjeant of Capt. Morrays^ Company with some few soldiers
passed the line, and fell in amongst the Moores, and took a Colloures
which was the first that was taken; the first battalion of Insquine,^
at the same time I attacked their trenches, entered in skirmish at some
distance on our right hand, upon the advancing of a few Moores
horse, the battallion brake and ran most shamefully, so that almost
all the day after during the action there was no such thing to be found
as the first battalion of Insquiny's Regimt., the second battallion of
Insquiny, commanded be Captain Jailes seing things had succeeded
w^ell with us, they came up to the line on our right hand near to the
ruines of Sandhill fort where the Moores retired that we had beat from
the trenches [ Y they [ ]* they had it bote being flanked
from James Fort, the men beginning to wearie, Captain Jaile called
to me and said he could not keep his men no longer, and asked me
what he should doe : I ordered him to retire softly, and gave him
great assistance of our officers to keep his men from running, which
thev had great inclination to doe; the Moores seing their battallion
retire something precipitantlv followed them, horse and foot, close
on their reere. I had dispt'sed our battallions in the best order we
could to take their ground, I advanced with our battallions and gave
them a french^ discharge, which stoped their pursute, and made them
run to the ruines of sandhill fort again : the battallion of seamen, who
was left on the line near Monmouth fort, they seeing the good success
we had in beating the enemy from their trenches, they past over the
line and moved to the east, over the sand hills, be this time near to
the place of arms where the Moores had their piece of Cannon ; Lieut.
Coll. Sakville had caused fill up their trench for to make a passage for
1 Captain James Murray, of Dumbarton's.
2 William O'Brien, Earl of Inchiquin, 1638-92. Had served in France and Spain : and
had been taken prisoner by Corsairs and ranso:i!ed, circa 1660. Governor of Tangier,
1675 80. Governor of Jamaica, where he died 1692. (See ' D.N.B.')
3 Words illegible in original.
4 Blank in original. 5 ? fresh.
l8 TANGIER — 1680.
our horse, and ordered Don Salnedors^, the Commandant of the
Spaniards, to pass with his troop, he designing no more of the horse
to engage, Captain Nedbe^ that was on the left hand near Monmouth
fort with his troop, seeing the vSpanish troop led over the trench be
Lieut. Coll. Sakvile, he past the line near Monmouth fc^rt with his
troop, and moved till he got on the head of the seamen ; in this time
we had disputed hotely with our two battalions of Dumbarton's with
the Moores, that was posted about the mines of Sandhill fort, till we
beat them from thence, and was Masters of the place, notwithstanding,
they were sustained with all their force, and we being flanked from
James fort, which did gall us extreamely, so that our loss w^as very
great above 250 soldiers and 24 officers of our two battallions, that was
killed and wounded; if the battalion of the guards^ had been so kind
to us as to put themselves in the old line that goes from the place of
arms to James fort, they might a made our work much easier, and
cheaper to us, which might a done without exposeing themselves, but
they judged it safer for them to continue within the place of arms:
so soon as I was master of the ruines of Sandhillfort, 1 found still our
battallions was much exposed to the enemies fire from James fort, I
judged absolutely necessare either to retire to have some covert, or to
undertake to beat them from James fort; and finding our men still in
heart, notwithstanding the great loss we had and I seing Lieut. Coll.
Sakevile and Don Salledore with his troop advancing towards us,
which gave us assurance, I moved to James fort with our battallions
where the most of the enemies force was, with several coUours; the
Moores seing us and the troop of horse advancing and Captain Nedbe
that was in pursute some scattered Moores over the sandhills towards
their camp, they ran without makeing great resistance there to all
hands; so soon as I can the length of James fort with our two
battallions, I see the Moores pulling off a small brass piece of Cannon
towards their camp, and finding the Moores running precipitantly to
all hands I passed the old line at James fort, I seing but very few
horse of the enemy in the field, and beat them from their Cannon, and
I charged our aid-major to cause pull in the Cannon towards Polfort;
be this time Lieut. Coll. Sakevile with Don vSallnedo's troop was come
the length of James fort, and seeing the Moores running, he was
ordered to. charge them that was running towards their Camp, he very
deliberatly for some time looked about him, till he saw Capt. Nedbe
almost into their Camp in pursute of them, then he at a good brisk
gallop charged, where they convoyed the Moores the length of their
camp, in makeing all the way very good use of their swords the Moores
1 Don Salvador de Monforte.
2 Charles Neatby, or Needby. Had served in Monmouth's Regiment of Horse and com-
manded at Tangier one of the six Troops raised by the Earl of Ossory in 1680, which eventu-
ally became 1st Royal Dragoons.
5 O.C. King's Battn., " although strongly urged by his officers, refused to move to
support of the Scots." (.Hamilton.)
TANC.IER — 1680. 19
having thrown away their arms in their camp ; he mett with Captain
Nedhe and his troop that had made good use of his time, then they
thought it titt to retire, Capt. Nedhe having taken two colloures, one
with his own hands; and Don Galinedos one colloures, so they came
off with very httle loss : some few of our foot out of greed of plunder
stole from our Battallions, went too far out, where some was killed :
after the 2 troop of horse retired again within the old line, I was posted
with our two Battallions at James fort and near it all the rest of the
day, till 5 a clock, where I continued in skirmish with the enemie,
that had the confidence to return again with their collours after so
considerable a loss as they had, and we having made a full discoverie
of their force, which w^as remarkable after all their trenches was filled
up all round polfort and a little addition to polfort, we resolved to
retire into Town so this days work past much hapilyer than the most
part believed, although our loss was great, which was well timed and
well enough designed, and most bravely be a part of the troops, but
the great fault of all was that all our troops of horse was not suffered
to engadge, which if they had they would certainly given an account
of all the Moores that they had before the Town, for the Moores
prisoners that was taken in the action said their armie consisted of
about 3,000 men, there did not appear so many in the action and not
above a 100 horse; the next day Lieut. Coll. Sakvile sent them out
their dead bodies that w^as killed within our old lines, their loss was
great but they believed it much greater than it was, as they con-
fessed themselves, for there deserted many of their men so that they
did not know^ whither they were killed or not, and they were certainly
very much discouraged with their defeat, for there appeared no Moores
for 3 or 4 days after near the Town : till that the Alcad Domar
returned to them, for he was not at the action, for it was the Alcad of
Titoune that commanded them, at his return he found his armie
extreamely discouraged and diminished, yet he resolved to put a good
countenance on, as you may judge be this short letter that he wrote
to Sir Pames, believing he was still alive, as it was interpret so,
" I arrived here yesternight and 1 have heard of your action Wednesday
" last which I believe was not cheap to neither of us, and likewayes
" that you most cruelly caused murder many of our men in cold blood,
"after you took them into Town, if this be true I would have no more
" dealling with you, now you know I am here and that the war is not
" yet at ane end."
I was at Lieut. Coll. Sakevile's Chamber when he received this
letter, he shewed concernment ; and when it was read, he with several
others that believed that the Alcad Domar was so proud and ambitious
a man and could command what force he pleased would be more
incensed than discouraged with the late defeat, and would think upon
nothing but revenge; I told Coll. Sakevile, at that same time, there
being nobody by, that certainly the Alcad had write this letter to show
a good countenance, and that it was not to be believed they could
20 TANGIER — 1680.
continue long before the Town, or get more force, considering that it
is now the season that they butt of necessity to labour their ground,
and that there never presented so good ane occasion to have ane
honourable and advantagious peace as now.
The next day after, the Alcad wrote a letter to Admiral Herbert,
the substance of it was in complaining of my Lord Insequine and Sir
Fames that they had several times broke their word to him, and that
lie could not ctinfide in them, and that he would enter into a treatie
of peace with him ; now they are the first that makes the offer of peace,
and showed ane earnest desire to goe about it soon, so that in reason
we m'ght expected of them what they refused before to Sir Fames;
after, the Admiral sent his answer to the Alcad, and told he commanded
only the King's fleet and that there was a necessity he behoved to treat
with the governour.
Then the nixt day Lieut. Coll. Sakevile caused draw a letter to
send to the Alcad to this purpose, — he told that Sir Fames was dead,
and that our loss was very considerable in the late action, and that he
succeeded to the government, and had full power from the King to
treate for a lasting peace with them, and that he would send out an
ambassadour. He sent this letter to the Admiral, to know whether
he approved of it to be sent, the Admiral sent him word he did not
approve of the letter; yet, notwithstanding, he sent immediately the
letter to tlie Alcad, now any reasonable man may judge that this letter
would be very agreeable to the Alcad; it was necessare to tell them
that Sir Fames was dead, because he behoved to treate in his own
name; but why to tell them that our loss was considerable, I cannot
tell, unless it was to appease the Alcad that he judged was so bent
on revenge, the Alcad without difficulty would conclude that Sir
Fames was killed in the last action and would say to his officers that
was much discouraged with their late defeat, and wearied of the war,
that certainly we was more discouraged with our loss than they with
theirs, as appeared plainly by our governour's letter, so we found the
effect of Sakevile's letter for the nixt morning we found all the Moores
force again posted round as near as they could. Then Lieut. ColJ.
Sakevile ordered a councill of war to he at the Admiral's Lodgeing
to have our opinions concerning the Cessation of arms, he representing
how well it would relish v\ith the King to have a peace at any condition
at that conjuncture of time, everyone was of the opinion ane occasion
to have so honourable and so advantagious a peace as then, and to
have a care that there was not bad preparative made, since the King's
Ambassador was expected every day to land, who had the King's
instructions concerning the peace, and my Lord Flimouth's Regiment^
with 200 recruits to my Lord Dumbarton's Companies which was a
considerable reinforce to a garrison after they had beat the enemy in
the fields, and that we judged it better to continue in fortifying of
Folfort, which the Moores durst not offered to hinder us, and not to
1 The 2nd Tangier Regiment ; in 1922 " The King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster)."
TANGIER — 1680. 2 I
precipitate In the treatie, but wait the Ambassador's coming, and the
forces that he knew was on the way; if the Moores would not con-
descend to what we might justly expected: but Lieut. Coll. Sakvile,
linding our opinions differ from his own, he resolved to consult us
no more, and would have all the honour of the management of the
treatie to himself and Mr. Shears, who was his only counsellor; so he
made choice of Mr. Beather, who is no sojer and sent him out with
his instructions to the Alcad. The Alcad in the beginning believed
there was some cheat in the business, finding things so easie and we
so bent on the peace, but at last he found Lieut. Coll. Sakevile in
good earnest, so that what be threatenings and be fair promises, when
the Ambassadors came, that all the countrey as far out as we pleased
should be at our service so that he brought our unable and timerous
managers to what he pleased I cannot but wonder extreamely at Lieut.
Coll. Sakevile who is a man of so little service and experience in the
wars, how he durst adventure to go on in a treatie, without the advice
of the Admiral and officers of service, and to condescend to such
dishonourable and disadvantagious things, as the paying of powder
and arms yearly, and other expensive things to the King, to an
enemie to make such a preparative when he was sure he could have
had a cessation of arms till the King's Ambassador came over, and
the forces, that had landed some four or 5 days after, that he had
concluded and agreed everything with the Alcad, and some few days
after Sir James Lesley^ landed who was sent Ambassador from the
King, and he finding his business almost quite spoiled by the bad
preparative that our timerous and unable manager of the peace had
made in condescending to such mean and disadvantageous things
especially after a victory, which has certainly made the Moores believe
that the King w ill condescend to anything rather than to enter to war
with them. Sir James, who was always imployed in all the business
of treaties with the Moores, and understands well what they are, he
had yet thoughts to going it about so as to have a lasting peace upon
more advantageous terms, than what was condescended to. Lieut.-
Coll. Sakevile preceiving his designe, who thought it would be a
great reflection on him that anything should be mended or bettered
that he had condescended to. he then puts it to Sir James Lesley, to
sign that agreement that he had made with the Alcad Domar, Sir
James who found so many disadvantageous things in it, he excuses
himself that he was not present in the time of the war, nor in the time
of the treatie, this made Mr. Shears and Lieut. Collonell Kirk^ and
those that had signed that agreement to be Sir James enemie, so
that they endeavoured to diminish his credit with the King of Morroco
1 Captain James Leslie, had served as Ckjrnet in a Troop of Horse at Tangier, in 1664.
Was appointed Major in Tangier Regiment of Foot 1680, and Lieut. -Colonel in 1687. Was
knighted when appointed Ambassador to the Moors. Surrendered Dixmude in 1695, for
which he was cashiered. (liouth. Dalton. I. 177.)
2 The well-known Colonel Percy Kirke, of the old Tangier Regiment, now " The Queen's
Royal Regiment (West Surrey) "—known as Kirke's Lambs. See ' D.N.B.'
22 TANGIER — l68o.
and the Alcad, Lieut. Coll. Sakvile wrote over that they were not
satisfied with Sir James being sent embassadour, because he was not
of quality enough, so that he would be obliged to send Lieut. ^ Kirk
to the lunperor before Sir James went, a very prettie invention indeed
for the Moores has not so much that distinction of quality amongst
them as any other nation has, and vSir James told me himself, when
he came to the lunperor's Court he could very well have mended that
agreement that Sakvile had made, if it had not been Lieut. Coll. Kirk
that hindered it, so it proved that Sakevile's Ambassador had more
credit there than the King's; so Sir James had not much more to doe
but to deliver the King's presents to the Kmperor, upon which the
Emperor complemented Sir James with the quiteing of that article
which obliged the King to pay so many bolls^ of cloath yearly, now
if Lieut. Coll. Sakeville finds this reflect highly upon him, and say that
there is no truth in what 1 say, I advise him to tell the King that he
had the good fortune to be at the head of one of the prettiest actions
that has been done since the King's restauration, and yet I who
served under his command does say and will prove he deserves to loss
his head for his management there, for he opposed everything that
was right designed and for the good of the place, and certainly it
concerns his Majestie's .Service to go to the bottome of this, to make
a distinction betwixt those that served him well and ill. Now what
1 have observed or can learn concerning the Moores is, that they
cannot maintain a considerable army before Tangier for several
reasons; for their prince gives no pay, nor can not for they have little
or no comerce with Christendom, their countrey is waste, without
villages, so that soldiers can get nothing wherewithal to subsist, their
Towns is far separat, and not populous from whence he has his
soldiers, and obey him far more for fear than love. The Mountaneers
is not at his command, for they run betwixt him and his Nevoy,' as
they find things uneasie to them, and shuns all occasions of going to
the wars.
I have seen the strongest army they have had before Tangier
since the King has had the place; the greatest number at a time was
when the Earle of Tiviot was a building Charles fort, and certainly
would give them as much jealousie as anything, that Christians should
enlarge themselves in their country, so that Galland did bring all the
force that possibly he could bring against the Town which I judge
was betwixt three or four thousand men."
Here the MSS. ends abruptly.
1 Lieut. -Colonel.
2 An old Scots dry measure, generally used for grain, potatoes, etc. A boll of canvas
was 36 yards.
3 ? nephew.
TANGIER — 1680. 23
1. English Army IJsts and Commission Registers. 1661 — 1714.
Charles Dalton. Ir!yre and Spottisvvoode. 1892, etc. 6 Vols.
2. History of the British Standing Army. a.d. 1660 to 1700. By
Colonel Clifford Walton. Harrison and vSons. 18(^4
(Note. — The illustrations to this book were never published.
The original drawings are preserved in The Roval
United Service Institution.)
3. A History of The British Army. By The Hon. J. W. Fortescue.
Macmillan and Co., Limited. Vol. I. 1899.
4. The Regimental Records of The Royal Scots (The First or The
Royal Regiment of Foot.) Compiled by J. C. Leask, and H. M.
McCance. Alexander Thorn and Co., Ltd. 1915.
5. A General and Compleat List Military of Every Commission-
Officer of Horse and Foot now Commanding His Majesties Land
Forces of England. (Excepting the Un-Regimented Companies).
As Establish 't at the time of the Review upon
Putney-Heath, the First of October, 1684. As also an Account
of the said Revew, &c.
Printed by /. Gain for Nathan Brooks, at Thomas
Knapton's, next Door to the FIving-Horse in Upper Moor-Fields,
6. The vScots Peerage. Edited by Sir James Balfour Paul. Vol. L
David Douglas. 1904-11. 8 vols.
7. Tangier. England's lost Atlantic outpost. 1661 — 1684. By
Miss E. M. Routh. John Murray. 191 2.
8. The History of the Second, Queen's Royal Regiment, Now the
Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment. By Lieut.-Colonel John
Davis. Richard Bentlev Sc Son. 1887. Vol. L From 1661 to
9. The Origin and History of the First or Grenadier Guards. By
Lieut.-General Sir F. W. Hamilton. John Murray. 1874.
3 vols.
10. Historical Record of The First, or the Royal Regiment of
Dragoons. Richard Cannon. Longman, Orme, and Co., and
Messrs. Clowes and vSons. 1840.
11. A Particular Narrative of a Great Engagement Between the
Garison of Tangier, and the Moors, and of the Signal Victory
which His Majestie's Forces obtained by them on the 27th of
October last. Printed by Thomas Newcombe. 1680.
12. Old Scottish Regimental Colours. Andrew Ross. William
Blackwood and vSons. Edinburgh and London. 1885.
13. Tangers Rescue; Or a Relation of The late Memorable Passages
at Tanger. By John Ross. Printed for Hen. Htlls. 1681,
24 TANGIER — 1680.
14. The Dictionary of National Biography (D.N.B.).
15. A Precis of the history of The Royal Scots. By Colonel G. Upton
Prior. Printed privately at Glasgow. 1886.
16. Historical Manuscript Commission. 14th Report. Appendix.
Part VII. The Manuscripts of the Marquis of Ormonde. Vol. I.
1 895 ; Vol .11.1 899 ; I ndex 1 909 .
Historical Manuscript Commission. Calendar of the Manu-
scripts of the Marquess of Ormonde, K.P. \e\v Series. 7 Vols.
It has been felt by the Council, for some time past, that our little
Journal has not quite reached the standard at which we aimed when
the Society was first started; this is largely due to the fact that the
Editor is not receiving a sufficient number of the right type of Article,
and has little material to select from when forming a number.
Memoers ui tiie r^ociety are asked to recognise this fact, and that
the Couni-il looks to them to assist in every way.
ii IS suggesieu ni.ii iiiuics on the following subjects would be
acceptable, ^•iz, : —
Eai., ^...uiial aud Dominion campaigns and incidents.
Legends of Regiments, especially Highland Corps.
Disbanded Regiments.
Accounts of old Indian Regiments.
Regimental Colours, Drum-banners, Standards and Guidons.
Army and Regimental Medals.
Arms, Clothing and Equipment.
Historical Mess Plate.
Historical Plate presented by Regiments and larger bodies of
troops to Distinguished Commanders.
Regimental Buttons, Badges and Uniform generally.
Regimental Mottos.
Relics and Curios of Regmu iii.>.
Articles on Early Militia, Fencibles. Local Militia and' Volunteer
Many Members of the Society are known to be experts on these
subjects, and these are specially asked to contribute articles, which
should be short and to the point.
The Journal will not be in a sound position until the Editor has
at his disposal sufficient material for a year's issue.
(Sgd.) A. Leetham, Lt. -Colonel,
ogues issu
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